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Mesopotamia Group chairman has formed and established Basrah & South Society For Social & Civic Development (BSSSCD); which is a caring charity and community organisation established to provide support to the people of Basra and surrounding regions. Our aim is to focus on restoring dignity, hope and positive self-concept. The charity was established in March 2000 and has helped the infirm and needy ever since.

 The expansion and fast growth of the organisation and further branches under the umbrella of Basra & South Society for Social & Civic Development is due to the trust and good relations our chairman has built up with local communities, governmental departments such as DfID (Department for International Development) and local Iraqi governorates, charitable organisations such as the British Council, National Endowment for Democracy and several United Nations Departments such as the UNDP (United Nations Development Program), UNOPS and UNHCR.

The charity has been able to build good working relationships with affiliates, working partners, governmental organisations and NGOs including:

  •  CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority/Multinational Forces)
  • FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office)
  • DFID (Department for International Development)
  • The British Council
  • IECI (Independent Election Commission of Iraq)
  • NED (National Endowment for Democracy)
  • Millennium Awards Commission

Capacity Building

The Group chairman and charity trustees have worked tirelessly to contribute towards eradicating extremist ideologies, terrorism and the reconstruction of Iraq and have spearheaded the following charitable initiatives:

  1. Established University of Iraq and the continued tireless work as Chancellor
  2. A Training Program in “Writing, Management and Implementation of Projects” for 23 NGOs working in Basra – July 2003
  3. Supervision of the implementation of the “Media & Propaganda – Elections Awareness Project” / Democracy Education & Awareness Project by 20 NGOs in Basra in 2004 funded with thanks to DFID
  4. Implementation of a large-scale capacity building program for NGOs in Basra to improve their capabilities in “Organization Management, Human Rights awareness, Information Technology, Computer and Internet skills” for the duration of four months (15 May to 15 September 2005) funded with thanks to UNOPS. 530 candidates from NGOs and Local Councilors participated in the program. Mr. Lieu Tanbori, representative of Mr. Asraf Qazi and Mrs. Olina, Deputy Head of UNOPS visited the program and reported this program as the most successfully delivered in Iraq.
  5. Training and Rehabilitation Program for 120 Social Workers from Basra schools for 45 days funded with thanks to ICSP
  6. Implementation of various workshops to train 30 NGOs in Maysan Governorates.
  7. Employment and training of Basra Society for Social & Civic Development’s staff to be qualified with International Certificates in training others entitled “The ASFEER project” in how to deal with disasters via many workshops for NGOs in Basra.
  8. Supervision of the “Constitutional Understanding project” in Basra and Maysan (from 4 October to 4 December 2005) funded with thanks to UNOPS.
  9. Basra Society for Social & Civic Development is considered as a consultant to all NGOs in Basra. We are indebted to Dr Al-Hassani for his technical expertise and his skills in refining an advanced charitable infrastructure consisting of a comprehensive and modern learning hub providing access to computers and a well equipped training hall. Basra Society implemented its programs by depending on staff and academics from the University of Basra and University of Iraq.

The chairman oversees local and International co-ordination and is also the Vice Chancellor of the University of Iraq and ensures transparency and accountability policies are implemented in all areas of work including our Education and regeneration projects.

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